Thousand-Hand Guan Yin
As long as you are kind and there is love in your heart A thousand
hands will naturally come to your aid. As long as you are kind and there
is love in your heart You will reach out with a thousand hands ...
21 members of the China Disabled People's Performing Art Troupe performing the Thousand-hand Bodhisattva dance:
Linking Compassion Around the Planet
Please take a few moments from your busy life to open and listen to the web link below.
Amidst these times when we are faced with so many challenges to our well being, it helps to remember that we are both the source of problems and the healer of them. ~Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D., Past President, Psychologists for Social Responsibility 2007-2008, Join PsySR today. PsySR is an independent organization of psychologists and others committed to promoting peace and social justice: "Show,
by your actions, that you choose peace over war, freedom over
oppression, voice over silence, service over self-interest, respect
over advantage, cooperation over competition, action over passivity,
diversity over uniformity, and justice over all."
Deamer, Bio-Diesel and Ni-Vans
Tony Deamer, featured in the video below, his wife, Esuary and the ni-Vanuatu people are those with whom Deborah Dupre' lived and worked for three years. In Vanuatu, Dupre' was a consultant for World Health Organization as a researcher and worked on projects throughout the South Pacific Islands developing nations.
During this time, Dupre' became the second person in Vanuatu, a Least Developing Pacific Island Nation, whose car was powered by biofuel from Tony Deamer's service station garage. She called her biodiesel station wagon her "Coconautomobile."
"That car had the sweetest scent of any vehicle I've ever owned. I always enjoyed the feeling of being in a toasted muesli or candy paradise," Dupre' reminisced, adding, "and if more people were like Tony and Esuary, there would be far less suffering in the world."