America's Green Team, FUEL Pro-Basketball Team ABA League |
Texas FUEL America's Green Team |
Opportunity for Your Company to Partner with America's Green Team, Texas FUEL
America's Green TeamToday, your company can proudly partner with America’s green team, professional American Basketball Association (ABA) League team, Texas FUEL. This exceptional team is located in a city where basketball has rich history dating back to days when San Antonio Spurs played in the old American Basketball Association (ABA). ABA is again, now alive and well, thriving with Texas FUEL and dozens of other professional league teams. ABA players are committed to taking professional ball games to your city fo families can enjoy this all American activity at affordable prices, unlike NBA games.Just as San Antonio is synonymous with basketball, Texas is synonymous with oil. Texas FUEL is merging these as a rich opportunity to teach Americans, old and young alike, about alternatives to oil, renewable energy. Green Ambassadors
Texas FUEL not only leads as #1 in the SW Conference and 10th in the nation. Texas FUEL is also championing green energy, educating inner-city youth and fans each week about sustainable energy, helping put fuel back into hands of the common person. In so doing, Texas FUEL is fostering national security, economic security, preventive health care and world peace. The FUEL team, comprised of outstanding young men of integrity, was inspired and empowered by the eco-peace movie, FUEL. In fact, the movie inspired these young men so much, they changed their team name to FUEL and committed to spreading this award-winning documentary's messages about renewable energy and peace. Texas FUEL half-time shows consist of edutainment provided to as many as 16,000 fans in the stadiums who watch and learn about renewable energy through solar, wind and biofuels.
Shooting Stars Role Models
Shooting Stars Basketball Academy provides Texas FUEL mentoring and leadership through basketball. It literally turns youth
dreams into realities. Whether it's a green science project, making the
junior high team or the high school varsity, earning a college
scholarship, or playing at the professional level, FUEL players at the Academy are there
to ensure all youth participants have the support they need.
FUEL players recongize that basketball is an extension of life.
Trials and lessons in basketball are helpful tools for lessons of life.
In todays' society, children require the surroundings of good mentors,
caring individuals that uplift our youth into adulthood. Texas FUEL
professional basketball team players admirably provide these assets to
Shooting Stars, mainly inner-city youth.
Consistent with FUEL's green mission, they are role models in green living and teaching the Shooting Stars valuable lessons in green living. It is working so well, Shooting Stars attend FUEL games, proudly carrying placards reading not only "Go FUEL," to promote the team and the movie, but also, "Go Green!"
This program is auspicing the April 2,500 Inner-City Youth FUEL Project. This project needs individuals to "FUEL it Forward" by sponsoring 1 ticket at $10.00 each, a simple way to maintain the academy and the team! Please learn more about this unique humanitarian and environmental project here where you can ensure that your one gift becomes three.
A hearty congratulations to this team, now ABA Southwest Division of Southern Conference Champions! The other great news is that now you can partner with these all American, green team Champions.
- Have your banners with your company's name and logo at all of the games.
- Have your name and logo recognition on printed materials.
- Get recognition on numerous media offers now coming into the team, special opportunities as America is becoming aware of this new, ABA team of Champions, its first green team.
Contact Deborah Dupre' Associates for EcoPeace International today to learn more and see Texas Fuel's sponsorship package so your corporation can partner with America's first and only green team. Phone (011) 310.310.1997 or email
Texas FUEL, Shooting Stars Collaborate with Josh Tickell and his mother, Deborah for Powerful Outreach Program with South Texan Youth |
FUEL Shooting Stars Youth Event - April 27-30, 2009
An American
professional basketball team saw the movie FUEL. This film inspired and
empowered them so much, they changed their name to FUEL, changed their
mission to being America's First Green Team and spreading the peace and
environmental messages in the movie; and even changed the jerseys with
FUEL on the front and the motto, "Change Your Fuel, Change the World" on back of
Not only are these pro-basketball players spreading the clean, peaceful message by having
it written on their backs all while they play. They have also created
halftime shows for stadiums filled with as many as 16,000 fans, edutainment about renewable energy.
FUEL basketball players mentor inner-city youth, Shooting Stars. The "FUELing
forward" reached these youth, and then the team fans, and then their opposition
teams and their fans... Texas FUEL, under as much grueling challenges
as Josh Tickell met in his pursuit to change the world, reminded
themselves that if Josh could do it, so could they.
FUEL team heroically
earned the title of Champion in the SW Conference. The team then went on to the
finals where individual players and Coach Minifee earned numerous other
Texas FUEL are earning their place in American history. America's Green Team, Texas FUEL players are becoming the best role models for all American youth.Problem
city youth find it increasingly difficult to engage when bombarded with tragic, world devastating news, job losses, and local poverty and crime.
Shooting Stars is the group of inner-city youth
mentored by Texas FUEL. They thrive on the team's continued role modeling.
FUEL basketball team is a professional team, paid players. The economy dramatically has impacted their salaries.Solution
- Get FUEL film donated, a small music show and
an empowerment program with FUEL pro-basketball players and Deborah Dupre' afterwards for 2,500 inner-city youth.
- Charge $10.00/yotuh ticket and find donors for all tickets
- Raise funds and reach heart and souls of struggling
youth before summer break when they would otherwise have even less
motivation to engage and less positive activities in which to engage.
Professionally film the event so that it gets more miles for the resources put into it
Video produced will then be the greatest marketing/fund-raising tool for
Shooting Stars and Texas FUEL's next season so they can continue
learning and spreading the Green and Peaceful messages highlighted in
the movie FUEL.Target: S. Texas Inner-city Youth. Target Numbers:
2,500 inner city youth at $10.00/person (Include other S. Texas groups who can contribute to see FUEL.)
Why? Because countless inner-city disengaged youth who have seen FUEL
in S. Texas already have reported in confidence to their teachers that
since seeing it, "I know I now have a reason to live." Benefits
Texas FUEL - receive back-pay for months and begin to gear up for next season
- Shooting Stars - see FUEL and better learn why they carry big "Go Green" and "GO FUEL!" signs to basketball games
Other Inner City Youth: have reason to engage - and even "to live."
- FUEL Movie: Raises awareness about the film
- S.
Texas Communities - economic and energy benefits that occur from new,
responsible behavior that typically happens after people, including and
in particular youth, see FUEL
Your donation of $10.00 means one more youth has reason to live because s/he sees FUEL plus Texas FUEL Pro-basketball team continue mentoring innercity youth and spreading the Green message throughout the country.
Thank you for your generous support for betterment of humanity!
America’s Green Team Texas FUEL Earns American Basketball Association Honors in Nashville
American Chronicle March 26, 2009
first green team, Texas FUEL arrived home in San Antonio today after
receiving numerous honors at Municipal Auditorium in Nashville,
Tennessee where the American Basketball Association (ABA) Best of the
East met the Best of the West Sunday.
Texas FUEL forward,
Keith Simpson, San Antonio native and Lee High School graduate, was
named Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the 2009 ABA All-star Game and 1st
Team ABA Western Conference for the 2008-2009 season.
graduate, Isaiah Allen, Texas FUEL guard was named Co-Rookie of the
Year for the ABA 2008-2009 and was also named 2nd team ABA Western
Milwaukee, Wisconsin native, Ben Hebl, Texas FUEL Guard, earned ABA 3pp Competition Runner Up in Nashville this past Sunday.
FUEL had four participants in the All-star Game, including Keith
Simpson, FUEL forward, and Isaiah Allen, FUEL All-star guard, both from
San Antonio, Albert Strickland, All-star FUEL forward of Detroit and
Waymon Powell, All-star FUEL guard of Los Angeles.
Texas FUEL head coach, Chicago native, Marlon Minifee was honoured as Western Conference All-star Team Coach of 2009.
The ABA All-stars of the West, in which four Texas FUEL players were selected, defeated the All-stars of the East in Nashville.
are all remarkable achievements for Texas FUEL, especially considering
this is their first season in the American Basketball Association,”
stated Deborah Dupré, FUEL movie cast member who is also entitled “Darling
of Texas FUEL.”
Consistent with their green commitment, Texas
FUEL is raising funds for two projects planned for the near future. The
first project, thanks to the movie, FUEL's director, Josh Tickell, is
for the the team's education outreach program to target 2,500 San Antonio inner
city youth to have opportunity to see the movie, FUEL that inspired
the team to Go Green and change its name to Texas FUEL.
FUEL’s second project is to build America’s first wind-powered gymnasium and education facility.
more information about America’s first green team, Texas FUEL, contact
EcoPeace International, 310.310.1997 or